Teaching Yoga for Self-Care - Aura Wellness Center

Teaching Yoga for Self-Care

yoga teacher trainingBy Faye Martins and Gopi Rao 

Let’s explore the benefits of teaching yoga for self-care and how to get started on the journey. From understanding your audience to setting up a home studio to marketing yourself, read on to learn more about teaching yoga as an act of self-care. Yoga is a practice that has been around for thousands of years and, in recent years, has become increasingly popular. People turn to yoga for physical exercise, spiritual growth, and self-care. Not only is yoga great for those who practice it, but it can also be a rewarding career path for those interested in teaching. Teaching yoga allows people to share their knowledge and help others lead healthier lives.


The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a mind-body practice with many benefits for physical and mental health. It can help to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. It can also help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Yoga can be an excellent addition to any self-care routine. It can help to improve overall health and well-being.

Techniques for Self-Care

There are different methods within yoga for self-care. Asanas, or physical postures, are one method. These help to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Pranayama, or breathwork, is another method of yoga. This helps to control the breath and can be used for relaxation. Meditation is a common practice in yoga classes. This helps to focus the mind and can be used for stress relief.



The Importance of Breathwork

Yoga is an incredibly beneficial practice for overall health and well-being, but it can also be a powerful tool for self-care. Breathwork is a critical element of yoga that can help to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve respiratory function.

When we’re stressed, our breathing becomes shallow and erratic. This not only prevents us from taking in enough oxygen but can also exacerbate anxiety and lead to feelings of panic. Breathwork helps to regulate the breath, slowing it down and deepening it. This has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and promoting relaxation.

Breathwork is also beneficial for respiratory health. Deep breathing helps stretch and open the lungs, improving their function. This can help to relieve symptoms of conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Incorporating breathwork into your yoga practice is a great way to promote self-care. It can help to reduce stress, improve respiratory function, and promote relaxation.


How to Incorporate Yoga into Your Life

Yoga is an excellent form of self-care that can be easily incorporated into your life. Here are a few tips on how to get started:

1. Set aside some time each day for yoga. Even just 10-15 minutes can make a big difference.

2. Find a quiet, comfortable place to practice. You may want to invest in a yoga mat and props such as blankets or pillows.

3. There are many different types of yoga, so find one that suits your needs and interests. Classes are available at most gyms and studios, or you can find online videos or DVDs to follow at home.

4. Don’t forget to breathe! Yoga helps to calm the mind and body, so focus on deep breathing throughout your practice.


Yoga Poses for Self-Care

Many different yoga poses can be used for self-care. Below are some examples of yoga poses that can help you to feel relaxed and rejuvenated:

1. Child’s Pose: This pose is a great way to stretch your back and hips. It can also help to calm the nervous system.

2. Downward Facing Dog: This pose is an excellent way to stretch the entire body. It can also help to improve circulation and energy levels.

3. Cobra Pose: This pose helps open the chest and lungs, aiding in deep breathing. It can also help to strengthen the back muscles.

4. Triangle Pose: This pose helps to stretch the sides of the body and the legs. It can also help to increase flexibility in the spine.

5. Seated Forward Bend: This pose is a great way to stretch the hamstrings and low back. It can also help to calm the mind and ease stress levels.


Yoga for Health and Prevention

Regarding preventative health care, few things are as effective as yoga. Yoga has been shown to improve overall health and well-being and can help to prevent several chronic diseases. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states, “regular yoga practice can relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and increase overall energy levels.”

There are several different ways that yoga can be of benefit for prevention. First, yoga helps reduce stress levels, positively impacting the entire body. Additionally, yoga can help improve flexibility and balance, which are important for preventing injuries. Finally, many people find that practicing yoga helps them develop healthier lifestyle habits, such as eating better and exercising regularly.

If you’re interested in incorporating yoga into your self-care routine, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen; this is especially important if you have any existing health conditions. Second, various types of yoga are available; some styles may be better suited for beginners than others. Finally, don’t forget to listen to your body – if something doesn’t feel right or causes pain, stop doing it and consult a certified instructor.


© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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The importance of yoga for self-care is evident when considering panic and and anxiety attacks. Panic attacks can be crippling, with waves of fear, racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, and other symptoms that make victims feel like they are about to die. These disabling attacks are also common; at least 20% of adult Americans will suffer from a panic attack at some time in their lives. That is around 60 million people facing intense distress, and following one attack, the risk of having another is increased.

Early Signs

Panic attacks significantly impact sufferers’ lives, and treatment is critical. One area where positive results regarding the reduction of attacks have been noted is in Yoga practice. The effects of paying attention to one’s body and breathing during practice can make individuals more self-aware and allow them to detect early signs of a panic attack. Since anxiety often builds on itself, early detection is the key to heading off major attacks. Calming techniques work best if practiced early in the cycle of anxiety, breaking the negative feedback loop.

Empowering Students

So how can you help your Yoga students suffering from anxiety or panic attacks? Encourage awareness, throughout practice, of sensations in their bodies. Breathing through postures will help give them control over their breathing in situations where they experience shortness of breath, and controlled breathing, in turn, controls the nervous system.

Learning Presence

As anxious people tend to be self-critical, the teacher should adopt a warm, reassuring style, letting students know that it is all right not to understand all the sensations they may be feeling. Have students practice flowing through the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara) at their own pace, concentrating on their breathing and not trying to keep pace with a teacher or another student.

Breaking the Spell

This feeling of continuous movement and controlled breathing at their own pace will help them “break the spell” of feeling paralyzed when anxious. Finally, teaching some hand mudras for relaxation will give students a focal point when they cannot perform an entire series of poses. Ultimately, students need the skills to practice yoga for self-care on their own.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

3 thoughts on “Teaching Yoga for Self-Care”

  1. Thank you for this article. I work with child and adolescent in-patients at a psychiatric center. I often use breathing, mantras,and mudras(often a combination of all 3) to help my patients with anxiety/panic attacks. They respond very well, as do I!!
    Anna B.

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